Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Comforter has come

        Reading through the Bible, we see that one of the fears of Old Testament believers was that the Holy Spirit would leave them. For example, Samson, when he was ambushed, did not know that the LORD had left him. (Judges 16:20) And King David prayed, “Do not...take your Holy Spirit from me.” (Psalm 51:11)

        How different in the New Testament. John the Baptist’s sign for identifying the Messiah was “the man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain.” (John 1:33) Then, in the upper room, Jesus promised “he will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth.” (John 14:16, 17) The Apostle Paul wrote, “you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance.” (Ephesians 1:13) What a wonderful guarantee— the Spirit will never leave us now!

Pure Gold from the Believers Hymn Book

        Jim Currie gave out the last four verses of BHB #155 at the end of the Breaking of Bread worship on October 14, 2012. We were strongly moved by these lines, and the best explanation we have is in the words of A.W.Tozer:

        “I refer to the evangelical mystic who has been brought by the gospel into intimate fellowship with the Godhead. His theology is no less and no more than is taught in the Christian Scriptures. He walks the high road of truth where walked of old prophets and apostles, and where down the centuries walked martyrs, reformers, Puritans, evangelists and missionaires of the cross. He differs from the ordinary orthodox Christian only because he experiences his faith down in the depths of his sentient being while the other does not. He exists in a  world of spiritual reality. He is quietly, deeply and sometimes almost ecstatically aware of the Presence of God in his own nature and in the world around him. His religious experience is something elemental, as old as time and the creation. It is immediate acquaintance with God by union with the Eternal Son. It is to know that which passes knowledge.” [A.W.Tozer, The Christian Book of Mystical Verse]

        The original of this hymn was in German, by Paul Gerhardt, but it was translated into English and adapted by Frances Bevan about 1898. We feel that the translator was given almost equal grace from God to translate as was the original poet to write. Here is the complete hymn,  with a sampling of Scripture references added:

1. Midst the darkness, storm and sorrow,
   One bright gleam I see;
Well I know the blessèd morrow
   Christ will come for mea.
‘Midst the light, and peace, and glory
   Of the Father’s home
Christ for me is waitingb, watching,
   Waiting till I come.

2.  Long the blessèd Guidea has led me
    By the desert roadb;
Now I see the golden towersc,
    Cityd of my God.
There, amidst the love and glory,
    He is waiting yet;
On His hand a name is gravene
    He can ne’er forget.

3. There, amidst the songs of heavena,
    Sweeter to His ear
Is the footfall through the desert,
    Ever drawing near.
There, made ready are the mansionsb,
    Glorious, bright, and fair;
But the Bridec the Father gave Him
    Still is wanting there.

4. Who is this who comes to meet me,
    On the desert way,
As the Morning Stara foretelling
    God’s unclouded dayb?
He it is who came to win me
    On the Cross of shamec;
In His glory well I know Him
    Evermore the samed.

5. O the blessèd joy of meeting,
    All the desert past!
O the wondrous words of greetinga
    He shall speak at last!
He and I together ent’ring
    Those bright courts above;
He and I together sharingb
    All the Father’s love.

6. Where no shade nor stain can entera,
    Nor the gold be dim;
In that holiness unsulliedb
    I shall walk with Him.
Meet companionc, then, for Jesus,
    From Him, for Him, made;
Glory of God’s graced for ever
    There in me displayede.

7. He, who in the hour of sorrow
    Bore the cursea alone;
I, who through the lonely desert
    Trod where He had gone.
He and I in that bright glory
    One deep joyb shall share;
Mine, to be for ever with Him,
    His, that I am there.

 Notes to each verse:   

1a: 1 Thess.4:16,17
1b: Gen.24:63-66; Heb.10:12

2a: John 16:13; Psa.48:14
2b: Isa.40:3; 43:19
2c: Rev.21:18
2d: Heb.12:22
2e: Isa.49:16

3a: Rev.5:9; 14:3
3b: John 14:2,3
3c: John 3:29; Rev.19:7, 22:17

4a: Rev.2:28, 22:16
4b: Isa.44:22
4c: Heb.12:2
4d: Heb.13:8

5a: Matt.25:21
5b: Eph.2:4-7

6a: James 1:17
6b: Rom.6:22; 1 Pet.1:15
6c: 1 John 3:2,3; 2 Cor.8:9
6d: Gal.2:20
6e: Heb.12:1

7a: Gal.3:13
7b: Heb.12:2; 1 Pet.1:8

    What a hope! What longing for intimate fellowship with Jesus! Heaven touches us here!