Many years ago, C.S.Lewis made the point that no one should ever attach themselves so firmly to the teachings of one man that they couldn’t see anything else. For instance, John Calvin was a great theologian and expositor of God’s Word, and the Reformation relied heavily on his “Institutes of the Christian Religion”. One of his doctrines was regarding “predestination”, to the effect that God chose people to be saved and they should be eternally thankful. On the other hand, what about those who weren’t chosen? There was no hope for them! This is why some denominations (so-called “hyper-Calvinist”) have no evangelical outreach—they think there is no point. Unfortunately, J.I.Packer takes this position, and so does Wayne Grudem, whose other 19 out of 20 doctrinal videos were exhilarating and beautiful.
Dare I say that this would be utterly unfair, unjust and illogical of God? It implies merit in some people and none in others. In truth, God’s grace is freely given, without merit, only on faith.
I’ve puzzled over this for many years, while always believing that the Good News about Jesus must be made available to everybody. Then I saw a video by David Jeremiah that crystallized my thoughts.
His explanation went something like this: — God “wants all men to be saved.” (1 Tim.2:4) “Whoever believes in Him shall not perish.” (John 3:16) “He chose us in Him before the creation of the world.” (Eph.1:4) “He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9) David Jeremiah concluded that everyone was chosen to be saved. It seems their names were even written in the Book of Life. This means that everything was ready for them to enter God’s kingdom. There was a great welcome awaiting them. But now “free agency” comes into play. A person can decide for or against the Lord. Ultimately, as Revelation 3:5 says, if they irrevocably reject Christ, God will blot their name out of His Book. (Ex.32:32 and Psa.69:28)
Sadly—and disastrously—some turn away! They decide their fate for themselves by disobedience. (1 Pet.2:8) God never, ever, “chose them for wrath!” (1 Thess.5:9)