Sunday, February 14, 2010

The ‘Breaking’ of Bread

As I sat in the worship service one Sunday morning and the bread came around to me, I thought, “This is the body of the Lord and the only way I can get the benefit of it is if I tear it!” What a shock, after decades of thinking at this point only of what Jesus did for me. Suddenly I was involved—I was an active participant in the symbolism, and not a commendable one.

My mind went to Psalm 22 and some of the lesser known verses there: “Roaring lions tearing their prey open their mouths wide against me.” (v.13) “Rescue me from the mouth of the lions.” (v.21) Psalm 7:2 has a similar thought— “They will tear me like a lion and rip me to pieces with no one to rescue me.” Dare we go even further and see God the Father’s hand in dealing with His Son? Zechariah said, “Awake, O sword, against my shepherd.” [13:7] and Hosea said, “He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us.” [6:1]

What the Lord taught me in that moment was that I must first put myself in the crowd that wanted to kill Him. And I must do that every time I “break the bread.”

It’s like a tiny re-enactment of my moment of salvation— I admit I am a sinner and Jesus saved me. As I assimilate the physical bread, so Jesus came into me by His Spirit.

So, the next time you participate in Communion and your hand reaches to tear the bread, remember, you too were once with those lions!

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