Tuesday, January 25, 2022

"Only One is Good"

         When I was a student at Lakehead University, a minister from a liberal denomination came to give several lectures on Christianity. As I remember it, he was very interesting, but the only item that stuck was his comment on Matthew 19:16-22 (See also Mark 10:17-22; Luke 18:18-23). He suggested that Jesus was denying He was God. “Why do you call me good? There is none good but one, that is God.”

For someone who believes Jesus is God, that really grated. I investigated, and found that what Jesus meant the young man to understand was, “Yes, I am good, because yes, I am God.”

In Matthew’s version of the incident, the young man asks Jesus what he needs for eternal life. Jesus quotes #5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the ten commandments, as well as “love your neighbour as yourself.” He leaves out the command against coveting (#10) because if the man sold everything and gave it all away, that would be taken care of. He also leaves out the commands about worshipping God (#1, 2, 3, and 4), These would all be covered if he did all the rest and followed Jesus.

Taking this Scripture as a whole and looking at the way the ten commandments are woven into the story, there is no doubt that Jesus is subtly assuring us that He is God. It is also a warning about how hard it can be to let go of some things, and prefer the love of Jesus. He assures His followers that they will get a hundred times more, plus eternal life, by following Him.




Matthew 19

Mark 10

Luke 18


No other gods





No graven image





Honour the Lord’s name





Sabbath day





Honour parents


No murder


No adultery


No stealing


No false witness


No coveting






“Love neighbour”

“No defrauding”


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