Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Visit to Langham Place, London

        On Sunday, June 19, 2011, we visited All Souls’ Church, Langham Place, London. It was the only time we’ve ever been there and it was significant for several reasons. First of all, from the announcements at the beginning of the service, we learned that the members are gearing up for major evangelism at the London Olympics of 2012. They talked about a “gentle presentation” of the gospel at various events, including setting up good quality monitors so people can come into the church at various times during the work day to see these competitions.
        The sermon itself, by Hugh Palmer, came to me as confirmation directly from the Lord because, a few days previously, I had chosen Colossians 1:13 as my theme for another article: “He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.” Mr. Palmer spoke on “Thanks be to God” and this verse is, “The Ultimate Transformation.”

        After the service, we had a cup of tea downstairs, and I bought John Stott’s 51st book, The Radical Disciple. As the lady took my money, she said, “This is John’s last book. He’s very fragile now.” On July 28th, I learned that John Stott, of All Souls, Langham Place, had passed away the previous day.

        Finally, in the nature of a little pilgrimage, this is the home and head office of Christianity Explored. Although we didn’t meet him, we caught a glimpse of Rico Tice in the audience, and talked with a couple who are deeply involved in the program and committed to much prayer for it.

        We enjoyed our two hours there and observed some differences in practice from other churches we have been in. For instance, (i) they made special mention of the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible and the men who suffered to bring it about, (ii) they projected all their hymns onto a screen but updated some of the wording, for instance, “Holy, holy, holy, all the saints adore you…you were and are and evermore shall be.” (iii) They presented some details of what could only be called “God at work”, (as opposed to “us” at work!), and (iv) they suggested (and summarized) what the sermon had been last week (there’s a challenge!).

        Our visit to Britain in general, and London in particular, overwhelmed us with how much God DOES NOT figure in people’s lives. Here is a church where He really does matter to people and they’re doing everything they can to serve Him. May God bless them! Ì

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