Wednesday, July 11, 2012


        A few years ago this question became popular and appeared on T-shirts, wristbands, bookmarks, and all the rest: What would Jesus do? I’ve often wondered that very thing. For instance, in high school—Would Jesus play basketball? Would Jesus join Inter School Christian Fellowship? Would Jesus read Lord of theFlies? In the work world—Would Jesus join a union? Would Jesus work on Sunday? Would Jesus drink wine? Even in our Christian lives—Would Jesus ever discipline children to mortification and tears? Would Jesus ever treat a brother or a sister—or even a total outsider with any unfairness or “an eye for an eye”? Would Jesus ever be inflexible in the interpretation of Scripture? (Remember, strange as it may seem, John the Baptist could have been Elijah if they would accept it.)
        When we turn to Scripture, it’s interesting to see “What Jesus did!” When He came to the temple and found it full of moneychangers, did He complain? Did He ask them to leave? No, He drove them out with a whip— certainly not what we might expect. And when He found no figs on that tree, did He say, “Ho, hum?” No, He cursed and withered that tree.
        Finally, when we turn to the grandest scale in the entire universe and we find God’s creatures maligning Him, hating Him, mocking and shaming Him, “What would Jesus do?” Certainly not what we would do. But for the grace of God we would crush and destroy them, but Jesus?— Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Father, forgive them. The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
        How could anyone hate Jesus? How can you even ignore him? Why not confess that Jesus is Lord and ruler of everything? Do you believe that God has raised Him from the dead? Tell Him so and you can be saved this instant. 

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