Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Grace of God—mentioned on a Canadian Coin???



Yes! And it has been there for as long as we have been a nation. It's a little bit hidden nowadays— the coins simply say "ELIZABETH II D.G.REGINA". But all through the last century and going back to the 1850's, it was much clearer. Here is the quote from an 1858 ten cent piece: "VICTORIA DEI GRATIA REGINA". For those with a smattering of Latin it now comes clear:

"GRATIA" = "by the grace"

"DEI" = "of God"

"REGINA" = "queen"

The modern-day version of this is simply D.G (D = DEI and G = GRATIA). Not as clear as we might like but still good reason for being thankful we live in Canada!   Ì

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