Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Crossword— Women of the Bible


1.       She was asked, "Will you go with this man?", and she said, "I will go."
4.       The very first woman.
5.       She chased the birds and wild animals away, day and night.
9.       A prophetess and judge of Israel.
12.    The Feast of Purim is celebrated by the Jews in her honour.
13.    She killed General Sisera with a tent peg.
14.    A beautiful Shunammite girl.
18.    "Call me Mara."
22.    She never left the temple but worshiped night and day.
23.    Abraham's second wife.
24.    Hosea's wife.
25.    Her first husband's name was "Fool".
26.    She said, "From now on all generations will call me blessed."
27.    Queen of Ethiopia.
28.    Mother of Solomon.


2.       Mary's relative, and mother of John the Baptist.
3.       She gave her name to pancake syrup!
5.       Jacob said, "She was quite my favourite wife."
6.       A seller of purple.
7.       David said, "These sons of________ be too hard for me."
8.       The most wicked of women.
10.    "Your people will be my people and your God my God."
11.    She said, "I give this child to the Lord."
15.    She said, "God has brought me laughter and everyone...will laugh with me."
16.    A tent-making lady.
17.    She was cumbered about much serving.
19.    She said, "You are the God who sees me."
20.    Wife of Joseph.
21.    A woman of sincere faith, mother of Timothy.

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