Saturday, June 29, 2013

There’s an interesting concept...

        Have you ever thought about the names of the days of the week? Tiw’s Day? Wodin’s Day? Thor’s Day? Freia’s Day? Our English heritage has memorialized pagan gods and we don’t even notice it. Some Christian traditions have tried to change the days within their own groups, to, for example, Day One, Day Two, etc., but this obviously never took hold on a worldwide basis. In fact, Day One in Canada may be Sunday, but Day One in most of Europe is Monday.
       Here’s a proposal: How about Christian names for the days? Sunday could become Sonday. Monday (Moonday) could become Mosesday (since he reflected Christ). Tuesday could become         Timothyday (or even Paulday if we don’t mind changing the initial letters). Does it bother you to come to church for prayer on Wodin’s Day? Peterday might be better, since there doesn’t seem to be any Bible proper name starting with ‘W’. Thursday could be Thomasday or even stretched to Theophilusday! We wouldn’t want to call Friday, Felixday or Festusday,  so we might have to try Philipday. And finally we come to Saturday—lots of choice here: Samuelday, Silasday, Stephenday, or perhaps Sarahday.     

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