Monday, December 29, 2014

God raises the dead!

It’s interesting to look at how the first evangelists presented the gospel to different audiences. For instance, the Lord Himself reviewed Old Testament prophecy to the two Jewish disciples on the road to Emmaus, in Luke 24. His life, death, and resurrection were all predicted.

Then Peter applied OT scriptures at Pentecost when the Jews asked what they should do (Acts 2). Stephen, speaking to the Sanhedrin in Acts 7, reviewed the entire history of Israel. Even Philip, in the desert (Acts 8:32) and Peter, at Cornelius’ house (Acts 10:23), applied OT scripture.

But what was Paul’s approach, as he addressed a  Gentile, pagan audience, much like we see right here in Burlington?—an audience that knew nothing of OT promises:— God “commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.” (Acts 17:30-31)

Resurrection!—a totally new thought to Gentiles! The Sadducees disbelieved, but Jesus said of them, “You do greatly err.” Even the disciples thought it was “nonsense” (Luke 24:11). The fact of resurrection is the key to all the promises of the OT. For instance, Job said, “In my flesh shall I see God.” Abraham was willing to put the knife to his son because he knew that God would bring him to life again (Rom.4:3; Gal.3:6). All through the gospels, the Lord repeated his promise, “until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead” (Matt.17:9); “the third day he will be raised to life” (Matt.17:23); “on the third day he will rise again” (Luke 18:33.

Like the Athenians, modern men scoff at the thought of resurrection. It is the primary target of most attacks by the “New Atheists”. They think that when the body dies, the “person” no longer exists. But we have the lifelong eyewitness accounts of hundreds of believers who saw Jesus resurrected and glorious. We have experienced conversion ourselves, and “God’s Spirit witnesses with our spirit.”

Don Francisco’s song is true:

      He’s alive! He’s alive!
         He’s alive and I’m forgiven!
      Heaven’s gates are open wide!   

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