Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Five Words:

“The most important advice you will ever hear!”

        Recently while I was in the grocery store, I walked up to the Deli Counter. I stood there beside a large man, as I was waiting for my turn. The server behind the counter was a young girl in a white apron. She did not even notice me, because she was deep in conversation with the gentleman. They were mid conversation, and she was telling him that she was now a diabetic. “I always keep a few candies in my apron pocket,” she said, “that way if I don’t feel well, I take one and it gives me enough sugar so I don’t pass out.” He seemed to know a lot about the condition, and the conversation became quite long and deep and involved.
        I suppose I shifted rather impatiently, because I was waiting to finish shopping. They both became aware of my eavesdropping, and she attempted to wrap up his purchase, and the conversation. However, just as he seemed to be leaving he leaned over the counter, made eye contact with her, and said, “And now I am going to tell you the most important thing you will ever hear in your entire life!” I wondered, “What could this possibly be?”  I was overjoyed as I heard him tell her, “True life is in Jesus!” 

        He smiled at us both and said, “That is my five-word sermon,” and he left. But not before I smiled back at him and said, “Amen.”
Joy Wilson

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