Monday, February 26, 2018

The Church

       Shoreacres Bible Chapel is a local community of Christians. But on a wider view, “The Church” is, in God’s sight, more than a community, she is a living being.  Try as we Christians do, to separate believers by culture, or by splitting doctrinal hairs, God views the Church as a body, and a beautiful body at that.
        The Church is the bride of Christ. He loved her and gave himself up for her. He intends to make her holy, cleanse her and “present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” (Ephesians 5:26, 27).
        Some of us are in for a jolt, but we trust God to make it a happy one. Anyone who has trusted Jesus worldwide and down through all ages since Christ, is included. There are Baptists and Anabaptists in that mystical body—Catholics and Exclusives, Lutherans and Lollards, Saul the Persecutor and maybe even an Inquisitor or two.
        What a day that will be when Jesus takes all of our tangled threads of opinion and patches of prejudice, and exchanges them for “fine linen, bright and clean”. (Revelation 19:8).     

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