Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Florida Mangrove’s Yellow Leaf

        On a swamp boat tour in Florida, our guide introduced us to a wonder of God's creation. The marshes and swamps on the Florida coast are a unique ecosystem. Since the swamps are salt water, not many plants can survive in this environment. (Try dumping salt water on your house plants!)
        The red mangroves grow in the silt and salt water of the swamps. The roots, appropriately called "prop roots" help to bolster the land and protect it from erosion. The roots accumulate silt, fallen leaves and plant material that can shelter and allow for habitats for baby sharks, fish, sea stars and other marine wildlife. Because of their strong root structure this nurturing ecosystem protects the land from strong currents, hurricanes and erosion, slowly building higher ground.
        This unusual environment causes a unique problem— how to get rid of the salt?
        This is where God's plan comes into action. If you look at a mangrove tree, you will see that most of the leaves are green but there will always be at least one bright yellow leaf. All the salt and other impurities are being forced into these yellow "sacrificial" leaves. Taking the salt of the entire tree into themselves, they eventually turn yellow, die and fall off, so the rest of the tree can live!
        Jesus took all our sins and impurities upon Himself. The mangroves have to continually sacrifice these yellow leaves. But Jesus died “once for all” (Romans 6:10). No more sacrifice is needed because Christ, though He was sinless, paid the price for all our sins, once and forever. As Jesus said on the cross... "It is finished." (John 19:30) Nothing more is required.
Joanna Cousineau

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