Saturday, July 8, 2023

Vision Surgery

    In June, I visited the Eye Doctor— I needed cataract surgery. As we discussed the experience, and any discomfort or pain I might expect, he suggested that however mild or severe it might be, we all have to go through it to get our vision restored. As he spoke, the thought crossed my mind, “It would be great if I could get someone else to endure all this.”

      What a parallel that is to the darkening of our minds and souls that daily life often brings us. A surgeon can’t operate on his own eyes any more than we can operate on our own souls— we need someone else’s help. Help from our own parents or friends will never do. We need someone qualified— we need an expert.

      My surgeon has fixed over 30,000 eyes, so he is spectacularly qualified. I didn’t know him well but, on his reputation, I trusted him with my eyesight—both eyes at once! But the expert I’m really talking about is Jesus Christ. Jesus is fully qualified to dispel any darkness: He is God and made us and therefore all our shortfalls are ultimately against Him; and He is Man, and has taken on Himself all the punishment we deserved.

      I’ve had my surgery now and I’m at the stage of just putting drops in both eyes six times per day. My bedroom light is brighter; my bathroom light is brighter, our kitchen is brighter, and so are all the trees, the grass, the skies, and the lake. Before the surgery I once saw two Canada Geese strut across a beach in perfect unison, about six inches apart—in fact, it was my confused double vision of only one goose! Last month I saw a child kicking a pair of soccer balls down the field, in perfect symmetry—no it was only one ball!

      What a physical relief to see brightly and clearly again. But I come back to my spiritual application. In my more introspective moments, I know I haven’t done right by everyone I’ve met—maybe not even anyone I’ve met. That creates a shadow between me and God; it would be great to be in the light again.

      Here is just the help we need:— Jesus Christ tells us: “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” Jesus also promised: “If we confess our sins, He [Jesus] is faithful and just and will purify us forever.” Jesus provides our souls with light, clarity, and peace forever.


  1. Beautiful, well done, enjoyed

  2. A perfect illustration~ well written!

  3. Thank you for such beautiful writing and sharing this experience. God truly wants us to live in the light and be the light. I appreciate your thoughts - Paige
