Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Name Tags

    I’ve been told that churches have sometimes had disagreements over whether to use name tags or not. My own experience has been that I like to know whom I’m shaking hands with in my own little neighborhood of pews, and I like them to know who I am too. A church we have attended for some years now, gives professionally made magnetic badges to all members and regular attenders.

    Once a year they have a real “walk-up-to-the-front” communion service, on Maundy Thursday. On all other occasions, we remain quietly and passively in our seats. On this special Remembrance Sunday, communion is by “intinction”. Yes, I had never heard that word before. The entire congregation lines up in the center aisle, proceeds to the communion table, and is offered real bread. They tear off a piece, dip it in a large chalice of wine, and consume both together.

    My point is that as I broke the bread, the pastor holding it said, “The Body of Christ broken for you because He loves you, Glenn!” A crowd of 150 fellow Christians, and he knows my name! How personal that made it, and how true. Jesus does love me, and the use of my name tag brought it home to me in great power. That has only ever happened to me once, and I don’t advocate doing it regularly, but… once was enough.

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