Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Character and Work of Jesus, in John's Gospel

1. Jesus never enslaves; rather, he is always _____ people.  8:36
4. The Jews were trying to shame Jesus but He is _____.  8:49
6. Jesus’ attitude to Martha and Mary and Lazarus was wholeheartedly _____ them.  11:5
8. We accept Jesus’ testimony because he is _____.  3:33
13. The Father doesn’t do this but has entrusted it all to the Son.  5:22
14. Jesus was not of this world. He is _____ _____.  8:23
16.  Jesus is not guilty!  8:46
17.  Jesus is the bread of life. As such, his people never go hungry.  6:35
18.  He had such learning that the Jews found him _____.  7:15

2. Out of His fulness we have received more and more.  1:16
3. Jesus is always this to the Father.  5:30
5. He chased the money changers and marketers out of the temple.  2:17
7.  Jesus was greatly _____ by a voice from heaven, at the temple.  12:28
9.  Jesus has testified that the works of the world are evil, so he is _____.  7:7
10.  The thief comes stealing, killing and destroying. Jesus has another reason.  10:10
11.  In fact, he is way over the top. He is _____!   8:54
12.  Jesus’ main purpose in coming into the world was _____ us.   12:47
15.  Nothing gets by Jesus, even a traitor.   6:64

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