Sunday, January 1, 2012

“Sir, we would see…”

        In the Reference Department of Burlington Central Library, there is a lectern with a bronze plaque commemorating Mary Roberta Fraser, who died in a tragic accident  in Malaysia on February 15, 1964. Her story is especially sad because at 24 years of age, she slipped over a cliff without anyone seeing her fall. I talked with the librarians but none of them knew anything about her. My own research turned up the details that she was a secretary at the Canadian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur. On a weekend sightseeing trip she climbed above the waterfalls on the Telaga Tujuh on Langkawi and fell to her death over an 80-foot drop.

        This brings me to my main reason for writing. There was, in a back room at Compass Point Bible Church, another lectern, an old oak lectern, now perhaps lost, that had engraved in the reading surface, “Sir, we would see Jesus.” Those Greeks who came to Philip had the right idea—I hope they did get to see Jesus.

        Mary Fraser has mostly been forgotten, outside of her family, but what about Jesus? The admonition on that old lectern is just as necessary today. And nothing can cheer the heart of a Christian more than a sight of Christ—his humanity, his deity, his love, his suffering, prophecy about him, his miraculous works, his resurrection, his return, his glorious kingdom… In fact, that plea comes from our hearts too—“Sir, show us Jesus!”

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