Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Beauty of the Lord

    For a few years now, I’ve been watching for any article that might be titled “The Beauty of Christ.” I’ve even asked several people to write such an article but they’ve always declined. It’s thus become a bit of a quest for me—a ‘holy grail’—can such a thing really exist? Can anything physical ever convey even a tiny fraction of the spiritual reality?

     So I’ve gone on, hoping but not finding. Then I read a chapter of The Mind of the Maker, by Dorothy L. Sayers. She pointed out how ordinary people, who talk in ordinary sentences, and write ordinary prose, may not have the spiritual gift to show these high truths—and it is a spiritual gift. She believes that what I’m looking for can only come from specially gifted artists—poets, painters, musicians, and sculptors. And she may be right. I’m not good with the latter three types of artists, but poets I think I know.

     What might I learn of the beauty of Christ from poetry? Confining myself to the Believers Hymn Book, here is the true beauty of the Saviour, perceived by dozens of gifted writers:

Behold Him there, the once slain Lamb!
    My perfect, spotless Righteousness.
The great, unchangeable I AM,
    The King of glory and of grace!       #15

And more visions of Christ:—

Behold! Behold, the Lamb of God
    On the Cross!...
Behold His arms extended wide,
    On the Cross!                                      #30

Great are the offices He bears
    And bright His character appears
Exalted on the throne.                          #40

Crowned with thorns upon the tree,
    Silent in Thine agony…                    #42

I may sing with Christ beside me,
    Though a thousand ills betide me.
Safely He hath sworn to guide me,
    Peace, peace, is mine!                      #57

Love esteems it heaven to abide
    At His side.                                       #94

I’ve found a Friend; O such a Friend!
    He loved me ere I knew Him;
He drew me with the cords of love
    And thus He bound me to Him.    #103

     With only a quarter of the book examined, suddenly I’ve found a boundless supply of metaphors, similes and just plain true, poetic statements. Jesus really is worth knowing better! Ì                                   

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