Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Balcony Over Burlington



     I was sitting on my apartment balcony the other day, enjoying the view over the trees and the houses to the blue of Lake Ontario, on the southeastern horizon. As I looked over at the matching balcony chair beside me, the thought struck me, "What if Jesus was sitting there?"

        Suppose a stranger knocked at my door and, when I answered, he struck up an enchanting conversation about Scripture. Suppose I then invited him in and sat him in that matching chair. Suppose further that his conversation was all about prophecy in the Old Testament concerning what the Jews called "That Prophet". Suppose still further that as my heart was warmed and my mind was thrilled and stimulated, I suddenly realized Who my Guest was! What would I do?

        I don't know for sure about myself, but there are a few people in Scripture who had just such an experience. For example, there were Cleopas and his friend on the road to Emmaus. When they recognized this Stranger, He disappeared; their response was to rush back to Jerusalem in the dark and tell their friends the wonderful news.[1]

        Then there was "doubting" Thomas. His recognition provoked that eternal exclamation, "My Lord and my God!"[2]

        Mary Magdalene didn't recognize Him either, but when the "gardener" spoke her name in that familiar voice, she wanted to cling to Him.[3]

        All these believers reacted from the heart when they realized this Stranger was Jesus. I trust that my response will be appropriate too, but I think the centurion, Cornelius, in Caesarea, had exactly the right idea. He misdirected his response and fell at the feet of Peter instead. Perhaps for a moment he mistook Peter for Jesus. I think his heart full of worship was still credited; not many moments later the Holy Spirit came on him in power.[4]

        So, what would I do? I still don't know, but I trust that somehow the Lord will get every breath of worship I have in me to offer Him.

[1] Luke 24:33.

[2] John 20:28.

[3] John 20:16.

[4] Acts 10:2.

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