Thursday, August 5, 2021

Crossword: Personalities from the Old Testament


 4. He killed a lion in a pit on a snowy day. 
2 Sam.23:20 
 6. She had weak eyes. Gen.29:17 
 7. A skillful hunter and a hungry but thoughtless man. Gen.25:27 
10. He shut the mouths of lions. Heb.11:33 
11. He drove like a madman, and deposed Jezebel. 2 Kings 9:20 
13. He and his house chose to serve the Lord. Josh.24:15 
15. The friend of God. Jas.2:23 
17. A king with a heart like God's. Acts 13:22. 
18. Moses' great-great-great grandfather. Ex.2:1 
19. We are children of this free woman. Gal.4:31


   1. A priest of this god was Joseph's father-in-law. Gen.41:45 
   2. He threshed wheat in a winepress. Judg.8:11 
   3. They have rushed for profit in this man's error. Jude 11 
   4. The god of the Canaanites. 1 Kings 18:25 
   5. He held up Moses' arm during battle. Ex. 17:12 
   8. He asked for wisdom and knowledge but not wealth. 2 Chr.1:11 
   9. This man's hand was against everyone. Gen.16:12 
 10. A traitorous Edomite. 1 Sam.22:18 
 12. He walked through the fire. Dan.3:26 
 14. His name is Fool and folly goes with him.1 Sam.25:25 
 16. The humblest man on the face of the earth. Num.12:3

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