Thursday, August 5, 2021

Crossword: Weapons in the Bible


1. A woman cracked Abimelech's skull with one. 
 3. Used to beat Jesus over the head before his crucifixion. 
 5. Abraham was going to kill his son with this. 
 7. Samson struck down a thousand men with this. 
 10. These don't make leviathan flee and slingstones are like chaff to him. 
 12. These lefties could send a stone at a hair with this and not miss. 
 14. Believed to have been used against Jeremiah. 
 16. Jacob took a ridge of land from the Amorites with this. 
 18. Used to strike Israel's ruler on the cheek. 
 20. The Philistines charged the Israelites a third of a shekel to re-sharpen these. 21. Uzziah used these to hurl large stones. 
 22. The other half of the equipment used by Gideon to rout the Midianites.


2. Goliath had one of these with a shaft like a weaver's rod. 
 4. Jael finished off Sisera with this in her tent. 
 6. The king of Babylon was about to set these against the gates of Jerusalem, to break them in. 
 8. A short, sharp, bronze throwing weapon carried by Goliath. 
 9. Half of the equipment used by Gideon to rout the Midianites. 
 11. Shamgar struck down 600 Philistines with this farming tool. 
 13. Used to take off the ear of the high priest's servant. 
 15. These came thick and fast at Paul and Stephen. 
 17. With the shield of faith we can quench these fiery things from the evil one. 
 19. The Lord used this weapon to drive the sheep and cattle from the temple area.

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